Sunday, December 8, 2013


On these really cold days all but the furriest dogs wear cute jackets, even inside; some, however look especially cute, Misha for example.  She's about four and mostly Carin Terrier.  Since she is one of the dogs from the California shelter, her background is a mystery.  Misha is so bouncy that getting her harnessed was a challenge.  I finally just picked her up, got it buckled and off we went.  She was so funny going down the hall, her little paws  were going so fast I felt like I was walking a high speed dust mop.

Once outside she headed straight for the exercise yard.  I barely got her unharnessed when she dashed to a clear area to take care of business then, just as quickly, dashed back to the gate.  Harnessed again she begin trotting briskly back toward the shelter.  This is no cold weather dog!

Since we had barely been out ten minutes, I opted to continue our outing in a play room.  This suited Misha just fine, lots of toys, other dogs outside to bark at and me close by for pets.  Misha is going to make someone a wonderful little companion, she is full of energy, playful, very clear about what she wants and very responsive. 

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