Monday, June 17, 2013


I think I need to develop a thicker skin.  I had Saturday all planned out, I would be taking Willow to Petco for a bath, etc. after a hearty romp at a dog park to get her  tired out.  While she was getting her shampoo I would to go to the Shelter and walk dogs.  We arrived at the dog park, it was sooo hot!  Willow found the first shady bush,  gave me that "Why me?" look; off we went to Petco - no exercise for Willow.  At Petco she sat mournfully facing the outside door while I went over the plan for her torture with the groomer. I glanced back and saw her slinking off with the attendant as I left for the Shelter .

I arrived at the Shelter around 3:00 and just two dogs had not yet been out with a volunteer.  One look at Parker and my decision was made - happiest dog I've ever seen.   Parker is mostly miniature poodle and about two years old.  He is one of the newly arrived  dogs from an over crowded  California shelter so not much is known about his background.  Once harnessed (his happy squirming made it somewhat of a challenge) we made our way to the exercise yard.

Parker had been inside for some time, so taking care of business and all the accompanying sniffing was at the top of his agenda.   We mostly just walked around the yard together;  when I got him close for some obedience "tests" he turned the closeness into hug opportunities or belly rubs, so I have no idea whether he can sit, stay or go down.  However I  know that he is extremely affectionate.  He was especially thrilled to be picked up and carried around.  A visitor watching us came over and seemed very interested in him.  Parker is  a loving little bundle of charm so the visitor stayed observing Parker until we left the exercise area for our walk.

Once on our walk Parker was very good on the leash but happy for every petting break.   He is such a sweet little guy, it is so hard to imagine anyone letting him go.  Once back at the Shelter we met the interested visitor at the front desk.  He had been waiting for some one on one time with Parker. Of course I was delighted until I looked down and saw poor little Parker's anxious face that I was leaving him with a stranger.   I fast forward  to how happy Willow will be when I retrieve her from Petco, meanwhile wishing the best for Parker and vowing to keep those positive thoughts coming.

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