Saturday, December 29, 2012

Bryan (lower square is a video)

By the time I got to Bryan I was a little short on time, but could not resist his sweet shy little eyes. He is a cute Jack Russel mix between two and three years old.   Bryan bounced up to meet me at his back door then promptly dashed in the other direction as soon as I entered his kennel.  With some coaxing I was able to get in a few chin scratches and ear rubs but getting him harnessed - that was something else.  I kept petting him and talking then I decided that, though timid, he seemed naturally affectionate, so he might not mind  being picked up and carried.  Fortunately he was OK with it and I got him harnessed while we left the inner dog area and  walked down the main hall.

Once outside he was again gripped with fear and shyness.  He  stood  in the outside walkway too afraid to even sniff the nearby bushes.  I carried him to a quiet area close to the building and somewhat protected by shrubbery, where he began some cautious sniffing - progress.  Once in the exercise yard he started feeling more comfortable and began normal doggy sniffing and running around, however he was still  cautious  with me.  I continued talking to him and noticed that his wandering started centering on me.  I pushed a bit more and was happy to see that he was soon following me around the yard.  He even came when I called him after just a short amount of time.

Now seemed like a good time for a regular walk however Bryan had other plans.  He preferred returning to the familiar comfort of the shelter and was quite confidant and perky as we walked inside and started back down the hall.  I felt since he had come so far so fast ,that I wanted to spend a bit more time with him.  All the get acquainted rooms were occupied so I took him into the Volunteer Room; he promptly dove head first into the trash can for some left over peanut butter.  He's fast! I decided to leave well enough alone and return the sweet little guy to his kennel.  He was very cooperative, especially since I left him with a frozen peanut butter Kong.  He bonded so quickly with me that I think he will fit in very well to his future family, let's hope he finds them soon.

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