Sunday, September 9, 2012


Though I did not walk Sugar, I spent about 15 minutes attempting to convince her to leave her "safe" corner, so I kind of know her. She is a three year old Chihuahua, currently bunking with Biggy, and the most timid dog I've met yet. Apparently she was left on her own for long periods and is just afraid of people. She and Biggy are in a very cozy enclosed kennel, separate and somewhat sound proofed from the main dog area; but I could not reach in far enough in to drag her out. She clearly listened to my coaxing, sniffed at a lid with peanut butter on it (her favorite), but just trembled as I futilely stretched to reach her. I ran out time or I would have asked a staff person to get her for me. I think that once this sweet little dog finds her person, she will be incredibly devoted, let's hope it is soon.

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