Monday, May 19, 2014


I think I'm going to rename Timber "Surprise".  His  volunteer notes included: needs work on keeping 4 on the floor- translation, jumps up a lot, needs leash work, and needs basics.  Timber is an eight month old fairly large Cattle Dog puppy who at 2:00 had not yet had a volunteer outing.  With some caution and lots of treats I went off to meet Timber.

An incredibly cute Timber backed up and stood quietly to be harnessed, all the while leaning against me for pets and cuddles. The main exercise yard was occupied so we stopped first in the one with agility equipment.  Timber clearly wanted to play ball but since he had just been neutered eight days prior, the staff suggested that I limit his running thus - no fetch.  I showed him the agility tube and gave him treats for going through it for the ball.  He learned this so quickly.  The yard also has a teeter board.  I had him walk over that for a treat; another quick learn.  Cattle Dogs are always smart but this puppy was blowing my mind!  After a few more minutes of sniffing, it was time for our walk.  By this time, no surprise, Timber is perfect on the leash (video). 

After about a twenty minute walk we stopped in the other exercise yard for obedience basics.  Timber is great at sit and come, but needs a little more prompting on down (video).  This puppy is so special, he is super smart and one of the most loving dogs I've come across. According to his profile he is good with kids and other dogs but cats could be a challenge.  Let's hope some lucky family finds him soon , he's one in a million.

Beau has found his forever home

Beau was adopted last week and the best news of all...... he is my new neighbor here in Sunriver!  He is much loved and doing wonderfully.

Friday, May 9, 2014


I just could not resist Beau's sweet, intelligent face.  He's a pale apricot, miniature poodle, about eight and at the shelter because his owners could no longer keep him.   He was all wags as he met me at his back door but settled quickly to get harnessed.  Our first stop in the exercise yard was a bit of a disappointment for me, Beau went dashing around, sniffing, munching grass and taking care of business, of course, but he was not as responsive to me as I would have liked. 

Once I had him re-harnessed and we began our walk, he was perfect on the leash.  He did not pull and was very responsive to my voice.  I began to notice after a few petting stops he was beginning to know I was his friend.  Many dogs assume this, but I find that poodles are so intelligent,  they often do not take things for granted.

On our second stop in the exercise yard, I had clearly passed Beau's friend test.  He was delighted to come when called, and sit on command, not for a treat, just for affection.  He is so sweet and cuddly once he knows you.  Let's hope this great  guy finds his person and that they know what a wonderful little friend they've got.

Stewie finds his forever home

Sweet little Stewie has a lap of his own.  I know by now his trembling days are over and he is happily settled in his new home.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Nolow came flying down the hall as I was walking into the shelter; I looked back to see two volunteers gaining on him fast.  They managed to recover him just as he was beginning his tour of the cat area (actually he likes cats).  I planned on taking him out later; I'll make sure to hold the leash especially firmly in the hall!

Nolow is about four, and a Border Collie / Newfoundland mix.  He was very easy to get harnessed since he knows it means a walk.  Both exercise yards were occupied so we did our walk first.  Nolow is good with a no-pull harness but he stays near the end of it; his new owner will likely need more leash training for him.  He definitely has Border Collie energy and likely the smarts to go with it.

On our return an exercise yard was available so it was time for some obedience checks.  Nolow is good at come, sit and down but not interested in fetch.  He is very good looking and affectionate, leans on you for pets.  Let's hope Nolow finds a family that can keep up with him. 


Meet Stewie, 4 months old, mostly Chihuahua and my sweet  cuddle buddy today.    Wish I had some great exciting story to tell you about Stewie but he is simply a love bug; sat quivering on my lap the whole time just happy to be held.  Let's hope he get's a lap of his own soon.